The desired and uncertain PhD is on. There are some critical things, which need to be take into account, but I am there and I am researching about innovation system in the pervasive and ubiquitous computing in Europe.

I have been lazy and I did not apply for any scholarship or sponsorship. Maybe it is not just lazyness, but also the idea to work during the PhD. In fact, the big challenge is working and researching. Only the time is able to say if PhD and jobs can cohabit. A part from this, I have planned the work for the next two months. I will do literature review in three areas of research:

  • Frameworks and approaches in analysing innovation in emerging technologies. I think about sectoral systems of innovation, social shaping/construction of technology and other approaches from marketing studies, of which I am not really aware at the moment.
  • Analysis of technologies and applications in the area of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. I have sent an e-mail to George Roussous, Senior Lecture in Ubiquitous Computing at Birkbeck College, for an help on this.
  • Analysis of policies and strategies in the area of emerging technologies, particularly information and communication technologies, at EU level. However, I think that I should study also some other cases such as USA and Japan.

This literature review should help me in better defining my research. My hope is to reduce the boarders of the topic and able to define the level of analysis of my work.